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How Egg donation can help in IVF process?

Writer's picture: Indo Nippon IVFIndo Nippon IVF

Updated: Jan 14, 2020

Egg donation has played a key role in helping all the couples where the female partner cannot use her own eggs for the IVF process. Not many people are aware of the fact that using an egg donor (screened donor) for the IVF process can really boost the overall chances of success.

On the other side, if you are someone who is living in India and looking for IVF with donor eggs in India, you may have to struggle a bit. This is mainly due to the fact that donor eggs IVF India are hard to find and you have to work a bit with your search. Moreover, the donor egg IVF cost in Mumbai is quite reasonable and you can look up to the IVF centers around. That said; let’s have a look at the process of IVF with donor eggs.

indo nippon ivf clinic
indo nippon ivf clinic

The process will start with the couples getting in touch with the IVF center and once the IVF specialist ascertain (or if the couple takes the decision) about the need of an egg donor, the process starts ahead. It might be possible that the IVF center would be having their own egg donors on board and same can be used for the specific case scenario. Still these egg donors need to be screened and diagnosed for any kind of health and mental issues within.

Moreover, both the egg donor and female partner have to keep their monthly cycles in sync.

IVF with egg donation

Once the female partner and the egg donor get their periods, the whole process kick starts right there. Hereby the egg donor will be injected with certain fertility drugs to trigger the egg production process. The female partner will then need to get injected with certain Injections in order to keep her menstrual cycle in sync with the Intended mother. Once the eggs in the ovaries of the egg donors are ready, the egg retrieval process can start upon. In the same manner, the semen sample gets retrieved from the intended father to kick start the IVF process.

 indo nippon ivf mumbai
indo nippon ivf mumbai

Once the IVF process is through and the embryo has been developed, the same gets transferred to the uterus of the intended mother. If there will be any extra embryo left out of the same process, that will be frozen for the future purpose with the help of cryopreservation. In the meantime, the intended mother will keep on taking the Progesterone supplementation.



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