Infertility is something which has impacted both men and women in equal terms and even though it’s the women which needs to face the heat from the society for the same issue, Men’s infertility often gets ignored in the same aspect. Moreover, when we talk about the infertility aspect in men, it’s mainly about the count and quality of the sperm and whilst there have been certain treatments for the same around, let’s take a look about the diet one must follow in order to push sperm quality and count.
1. Diet rich in Zinc
Zinc has said to be helping men with lower sperm count and quality and this is the reason it’s always been advised to men to consume diet rich in zinc. Moreover, zinc can be derived from food like Red meat, Poultry, Oysters, sea fish, nuts, beans, dairy and whole wheat products .All these food stuff would push the zinc level in the male body and increase the overall quality and count of the male sperm in the process.
2. Diet rich in Folate
Folate is a B Vitamin which is always been associated with the health of the male sperm and that is why its deficiency brings on issues like damaged sperm DNA, Low sperm density and count. Moreover, it is largely been found in food items like Beans , spinach , lettuce, sprouts, asparagus, citrus fruits, nuts, peas ,breads and pasta. The same nutrient can also be derived from certain food supplements.
3. Vit C, B12, D, E
Vitamin C and B12 is also said to be playing a key role in maintaining the sperm count, motility and its overall quality in Male body. While you can intake Vet C from sources like Oranges, Lemon, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Broccoli and so on, Vit B12 is present in food items like Fish, seafood, Dairy, and eggs. Its consumption doesn’t only help in improving the sperm health, but also improve the overall immunity system of the human body.
On the other side, Vitamin D and E is also important for the sperm quality and its count and can be improved while consuming food items like Nuts, seeds, sunflower oil, seafood, eggs, cheese and dairy products.
4. Other consumables
Apart from all the above mentioned foods, there are some other nutrition aspects like Omega fatty acids, L- Arginine and so on. Apart from these food items, you must avoid high consumption of Soy products and alcohol in the while process and that limits the sperm production in male body. Moreover, if you want to know about the best treatment for Male infertility issues.