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Egg Freezing: Things You Should Know Before Freezing Your Eggs!

Writer's picture: Indo Nippon IVFIndo Nippon IVF

This technology of egg freezing is a boon for the women today who are willing to delay their pregnancy due to medical needs or any other reasons or priorities. After IVF, egg freezing is the next big technological advancement in the field of fertility. Using these technique women can get pregnant at the time of their choice. Let us read some about things that we should be aware about before getting your egg freezing process done-

Eggs should be frozen at a young age but not at a very young age: The highest live birth rate from previously frozen eggs is reported to be shown from women who are below the age of 30. However, women usually decide to freeze their eggs in between 30-40. Average age considered to freeze eggs is 37. For best results women should freeze their eggs before the age of 36 as the quality of quantity of eggs remain good and are most likely to be used in future.

It is true that freezing the eggs at a much younger age may result in a good number of high quality eggs being frozen, but at this minor age you would not be sure if you will have the need to use them in the future ever you might, just conceive naturally. So by freezing your eggs at a slightly older age mid thirties the use of your frozen reserve might just work and you may not have to spend the cost of the procedure just like that.

You might need to undergo this procedure many a times to be successful: Research suggests that women should seek to freeze 15 eggs in order to have a reasonable chance of future pregnancy. The number of eggs collected at the time of retrieval depends on the age of the women undergoing the process, her ovarian reserve and how she responds to the stimulation. Some women may produce 15 eggs after the first cycle while some have to go through extra rounds of the same procedure in order to achieve a good amount of eggs after the process.

Egg freezing saves a lot of your money in the long run: If one doesn’t conceive at the right time or infertility hits them at the wrong phase of the lives, the cost of medication and treatment might just be a bit too hard on the pockets. While freezing your eggs at the right time and age might just save you lots of money and the financial trauma offering you peace of mind.

Egg freezing can be the best option while you are having serious health issues: If you have been diagnosed with health conditions like cancer, freezing is the best option to go for. Chemotherapy affects the ovaries so it is safe to preserve your eggs in advance. Chemotherapy even puts the woman in an early menopause so the thought of egg freezing on time, when she is medically fit can help her attempt a successful pregnancy later.

You are likely to lose eggs along the way: The more eggs frozen more likely are the chances of a woman to get pregnant. Every woman depending upon her age needs to freeze different quantity of eggs. To have a 75% chance of live birth a woman aged 34 would need to freeze ten eggs, a 37 year old would need to freeze 20 eggs, and a woman aged 42 would need to freeze 61 eggs to have the same success rate. Throughout these processes many eggs are lost, for example a 36 year old could produce 15 eggs after stimulation but some of the eggs may not be mature enough or suitable for freezing.

Choose Indo Nippon IVF for the egg freezing process: While selection of the clinic for a sensitive process like Egg freezing, one should choose the best one. We at Indo Nippon IVF, Mumbai, India have years and years of experience in Egg freezing. We have delivered cases with the most successful results, proving egg freezing to be the most advanced forms of science helping families grow and fight infertility!

You’re not freezing your eggs, you are “free-ing your career”!!! Know about the process in detail online on Egg freezing

Drop in for a consultation at Indo Nippon IVF and know about the process and its advantages. Or you can call us directly on +919821618106 and speak to our expert Ms Goral Gandhi for an egg-cellent experience!



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